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The Race Underground by Doug Most - Book Cover
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The Race Underground

In the late nineteenth century, as cities like Boston and New York grew more congested, the streets became clogged with plodding, horse-drawn carts. When the great blizzard of 1888 crippled the entire northeast, a solution had to be found. Two brothers from one of the nation's great families-Henry Melville Whitney of Boston and William Collins Whitney of New York-pursued the dream of his city digging America's first subway, and the great race was on. The competition between Boston and New York played out in an era not unlike our own, one of economic upheaval, life-changing innovations, class warfare, bitter political tensions, and the question of America's place in the world.

The Race Underground is peopled with the famous, like Boss Tweed, Grover Cleveland and Thomas Edison, and the not-so-famous, from brilliant engineers to the countless "sandhogs" who shoveled, hoisted and blasted their way into the earth's crust, sometimes losing their lives in the construction of the tunnels. Doug Most chronicles the science of the subway, looks at the centuries of fears people overcame about traveling underground and tells a story as exciting as any ever ripped from the pages of U.S. history. The Race Underground is a great American saga of two rival American cities, their rich, powerful and sometimes corrupt interests, and an invention that changed the lives of millions.

What Readers are Saying


"This book was very difficult to put down. The style of the author made it a joy to read. He broke up his chapters frequently added to the pleasant experience."


"This is a great book for history buffs, very suspenseful, great character development, excellent technical details."



"A good story about the history of urban congestion and trying to deal with it. Chronicles big city transportation from horses to horse drawn carriages to electric and to putting them on elevated and underground tracks."

All Books by Doug Most

Launching Liberty by Doug Most - Book Cover
Launching Liberty

Out of nothing but the government’s desperation, a few bold men created an unprecedented shipbuilding industry in 1941 and, on the backs of thousands of patriotic shipbuilders, built a fleet of giant steel cargo ships that carried America to war—and to victory.


The Race Underground by Doug Most - Book Cover
The Race Underground

In the late 1800s, as cities like Boston and New York grew more congested, their streets became clogged with plodding, horse-drawn carts and pedestrians cried out for help. When the Blizzard of 1888 crippled the northeast, a transportation solution had to be found. America's subways were born.

Always In Our Hearts by Doug Most - Book Cover
Always in Our Hearts

The true story of a pair of affluent high school sweethearts from New Jersey who hid their pregnancy from their parents, delivered their baby in secret in a motel room, and disposed of the tiny body like a bag of trash. It was a murder trial that shocked the nation. 

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